Santa Clara City Council

Can they move from Aristocracy and Kleptocracy to Democracy?

Lisa M. Gillmor Gillmor

Pat Kolstad Kolstad

Patricia M. Mahan Mahan

Jamie L. Matthews Matthews

Kevin Moore Moore

Can they completely reject Aristocracy and move to 100% Democracy?

Will Kennedy Kennedy

Jamie McLeod McLeod

Mayor and City Council Offices1500 Warburton Ave 95050(408) 615-2250

Current Santa Clara City Council

11/2/2010 thru 11/6/2012
Pat KolstadSeat 23rd2014
Will KennedySeat 32nd2012
Lisa M. GillmorSeat 63rd2012
Patricia M. MahanSeat 55th2014
Jamie L. MatthewsMayor4th2014
Jamie McLeodSeat 72nd2012
Kevin MooreSeat 42nd2012

The Santa Clara city council serves a four year term per election. They are subject to a two-term (8 year) term limit. However, they only have to sit out for 2 years after reaching their two-term limit and can then run again. Jamie L. Matthews recently hit his term limit in 2006, sat out two years and was reelected in 2008 for another go around, served for two years before being elected to a four year term as mayor. Patricia M. Mahan was a council member for two terms and then a mayor for two terms and is now back as a city councilmember. Ironically, in 1994, while running for office for the first time, Patricia Mahan criticized Santa Clara city councilmember who served more than two terms. Said Mahan at the time, "The people of California demanded change when they imposed the two-term limit on their politicians". Although the people of California spoke, Patricia Mahan decided not to listen.

City Council Agendas

Past Santa Clara City Councils

Dominic Caserta Caserta

Joe Kornder Kornder

Patricia M. Mahan Mahan

Jamie L. Matthews Matthews

Kevin Moore Moore

Will Kennedy Kennedy

Jamie McLeod McLeod

11/4/2008 thru 11/2/2010
Dominic J. CasertaSeat 22nd2010
Will KennedySeat 31st2008
Kevin MooreSeat 41st2008
Joe KornderSeat 51st2010
Jamie L. MatthewsSeat 63rd2008
Jamie McLeodSeat 71st2008
Patricia M. MahanMayor4th2010

Dominic Caserta Caserta

Joe Kornder Kolstad

Patricia M. Mahan Mahan

Pat Kolstad Kolstad

Kevin Moore Moore

Will Kennedy Kennedy

Jamie McLeod McLeod

11/7/2006 thru 11/4/2008
Dominic J. CasertaSeat 22nd2010
Will KennedySeat 31st2008
Kevin MooreSeat 41st2008
Joe KornderSeat 51st2010
Patrick KolstadSeat 62nd2008
Jamie McLeodSeat 71st2008
Patricia M. MahanMayor4th2010

Dominic Caserta Caserta

Jamie L. Matthews Matthews

Patricia M. Mahan Mahan

Pat Kolstad Kolstad

Kevin Moore Moore

Will Kennedy Kennedy

Jamie McLeod McLeod

11/2/2004 thru 11/7/2006
Dominic J. CasertaSeat 21st2006
Will KennedySeat 31st2008
Kevin MooreSeat 41st2008
Jamie L. MatthewsSeat 52nd2006
Patrick KolstadSeat 62nd2008
Jamie McLeodSeat 71st2008
Patricia M. MahanMayor3rd2006

11/5/2002 thru 11/2/2004
Dominic J. CasertaSeat 21st2006
Aldyth ParleSeat 32nd2004
Rod Diridon Jr.Seat 42nd2004
Jamie L. MatthewsSeat 52nd2006
Patrick KolstadSeat 61st2004
John L. McLemoreSeat 72nd2004
Patricia M. MahanMayor3rd2006

11/7/2000 thru 11/5/2002
Patricia M. MahanSeat 22nd2002
Aldyth ParleSeat 32nd2004
Rod Diridon Jr.Seat 42nd2004
Jamie L. MatthewsSeat 51st2002
Patrick KolstadSeat 61st2004
John L. McLemoreSeat 72nd2004
Judy NadlerMayor4th2002

11/3/1998 thru 11/7/2000
Patricia M. MahanSeat 22nd2002
Aldyth ParleSeat 31st2000
Rod Diridon Jr.Seat 41st2000
Jamie L. MatthewsSeat 51st2002
Lisa M. GillmorSeat 62nd2000
John L. McLemoreSeat 71st2000
Judy NadlerMayor4th2002

11/5/1996 thru 11/3/1998
Patricia M. MahanSeat 21st1998
Aldyth ParleSeat 31st2000
Rod Diridon Jr.Seat 41st2000
James F. ArnoSeat 51st1998
Lisa M. GillmorSeat 62nd2000
John L. McLemoreSeat 71st2000
Judy NadlerMayor3rd1998

11/8/1994 thru 11/5/1996
Patricia M. MahanSeat 21st1998
Keri L. ProcunierSeat 31st1996
Dave DeLozierSeat 42nd1996
James F. ArnoSeat 51st1998
Lisa M. GillmorSeat 61st1996
Jim AshSeat 73rd1996
Judy NadlerMayor3rd1998

11/3/1992 thru 11/8/1994
Judy NadlerSeat 22nd1996
Keri L. ProcunierSeat 31st1996
Dave DeLozierSeat 42nd1996
Tim JeffriesSeat 51st1994 *
Lisa M. GillmorSeat 61st1996
Jim AshSeat 73rd1996
Everett N. SouzaMayor4th1994
* resigned 9/20/1994
11/6/1990 thru 11/2/1992
Judy NadlerSeat 21st1992
Vern DetoSeat 32nd 1996
Dave C. DeLozierSeat 41st1992
Tim JeffriesSeat 51st1994
Don Von RaesfeldSeat 61st1992
Sue LasherSeat 72nd1992
Everett N. SouzaMayor4th1994

11/8/1988 thru 11/6/1990
Judy NadlerSeat 21st1990
Vern DetoSeat 32nd1992
Dave C. DeLozierSeat 41st1992
James W. AshSeat 52nd1990
Don Von RaesfeldSeat 61st1992
Sue LasherSeat 72nd1992
Everett N. SouzaMayor3rd1990

This City Council is reponsible for the San Francisco 49ers training facility lease

The San Francisco 49ers pay less to rent 11 acres of prime Silicon Valley land than most families do to rent a house in the valley - $23,000 per year. The seven city council members listed below were responsible for giving them this sweetheart deal, which was the first step in the city eventually wanting to subsidize their stadium as well. John I. Mahan is the father of Santa Clara Stadium Five leader Patricia M. Mahan.

11/12/1985 thru 11/8/1988
Judy NadlerSeat 21st1990
Vern DetoSeat 31st1988
John I. MahanSeat 43rd1988
James W. AshSeat 52nd1990
David D. TobkinSeat 62nd1988
Sue LasherSeat 71st1988
Everett N. SouzaMayor3rd1990

11/15/1983 thru 11/12/1985
Auralee StreetSeat 22nd1985
Everett N. SouzaSeat 32nd1988Mayor Pro Tem
John I. MahanSeat 43rd1988
James W. AshSeat 51st1985
David D. TobkinSeat 62nd1988
Sue LasherSeat 71st1988
William A. GisslerMayor3rd1985

11/10/1981 thru 11/15/1983
Auralee StreetSeat 22nd1985
Everett N. SouzaSeat 31st1983
John I. MahanSeat 42nd1983Mayor Pro Tem
James W. AshSeat 51st1985
David D. TobkinSeat 61st1983
Roger MartinezSeat 71st1983
William A. GisslerMayor3rd1985

3/13/1979 thru 11/10/1981
Auralee StreetSeat 21st1981
Everett N. SouzaSeat 31st1983
John I. MahanSeat 42nd1983
Daniel V. TexeraSeat 51st1981
David D. TobkinSeat 61st1983
Roger MartinezSeat 71st1983
William A. GisslerMayor2nd1981

4/12/1977 thru 3/13/1979
Auralee StreetSeat 21st1981
Gary E. Hansen1979
*John I. MahanSeat 41st1979
Daniel V. TexeraSeat 52nd1981
William P. Kiely Jr.1979
John M. Stewart1979
William A. GisslerMayor2nd1981
*Appointed to Seat #4 on 4/27/1977
4/8/1975 thru 4/12/1977
Gary E. Hansen1979Mayor Pro Tem
William A. Gissler1979
John M. Stewart1979
William P. Kiely1979
Frank J. Barcells1977
Daniel V. Texera1st1979
Gary G. GillmorMayor1977

4/8/1975 thru 4/8/1975
Gary E. Hansen1979Mayor Pro Tem
William A. Gissler1979
John M. Stewart1979
William P. Kiely1979
Frank J. Barcells1977
Daniel V. Texera1st1979
Gary G. GillmorMayor1977

4/8/1969 thru 4/8/1975
Gary E. Hansen1979Mayor Pro Tem
William A. Gissler1979
John M. Stewart1979
William P. Kiely1979
Frank J. Barcells1977
Daniel V. Texera1st1979
Gary G. GillmorMayor1977

4/5/1916 (5/1/1916)
J. B. Enright
E. J. White
John Widney
P. Concannon
A. G. Elliott

4/19/1913 (5/1/1913)
P. Concannon
A. G. Elliot
R. B. RollPresident
F. C. Franck
H. R. Roth

4/6/1912 (5/6/1912)
F. C. Franck
R. B. RollPresident
H. R. Roth
J. J. Eberhard
J. C. McPherson

J. C. McPherson
H. J. Hamilton
J. J. EberhardPresident
Max Kohner
P. S. Regnart

Santa Clara - Past City Councils

City Council Salaries Calendar Year 2008
InitialLast NameTitleBase PayOvertimeOther PayTotal Pay
JKornderCity Council Member$0.00$0.00$10,380.00$10,380.00
JMcleodCity Council Member$0.00$0.00$10,380.00$10,380.00
KMooreCity Council Member$0.00$0.00$10,380.00$10,380.00
WKennedyCity Council Member$0.00$0.00$10,260.00$10,260.00
PKolstad1City Council Member$0.00$0.00$10,260.00$10,260.00
DCasertaCity Council Member$0.00$0.00$9,949.00$9,949.00
JMatthews2City Council Member$0.00$0.00$372.00$372.00
1 - left office 11/4/2008 due to term limits
2 - elected 11/4/2008