Although able to spend millions of dollars on consultants studies and other efforts regarding a football stadium that, per city reports, will cause the city to lose $67 million dollars; the City of Santa Clara is now unable to come up with the $80,000 dollars for the annual 4th of July Fireworks show. But four councilmembers (Caserta , Moore, Matthews and Mahan) decided to have it anyway. They are asking for citizens to help pay for it, and have set up a "Paypal like" link on their website to accept contributions.
As the City of Santa Clara continues to pass the hat in the coming years to pay for activities, it is important for residents to remember the huge amount of money the 49ers football stadium will divert away from the General Fund. Those who voted Yes on Measure J will be responsible for this loss. Yes on J voters should make the maximum contributions they can to help the city withstand the financial hit their stadium brings. Those who voted No on Measure J should also help out and provide as much encouragement as possible to the Measure J yes voters and let them know how important it is for them to maximize contributions.
The City of Santa Clara's Concerts in the Park series offers free performances on three Wednesday evenings and seven Sunday afternoons at Central Park Pavilion. Evening concerts are 6-30-8 p.m. and Sunday concerts are 2:30-4 p.m. The series is sponsored by the City's Cultural Advisory Commission.
Date | Time | Day | Band Name | Music Type |
6/23 | 6:30 - 8pm | Wed | Mixed Nuts | Rock-n-Roll |
6/30 | 6:30 - 8pm | Wed | Silicon Valley House Rockers | Rock-n-Roll/R&B |
7/7 | 6:30 - 8pm | Wed | Mission City Opera & Santa Clara Chorale | Opera & Chorale |
7/11 | 2:30 - 4pm | Sun | Shabang Steel Drum Band | Caribbean |
7/18 | 2:30 - 4pm | Sun | Big Rain | Rock/Country/Blues |
7/25 | 2:30 - 4pm | Sun | Cool Under Pressure | Contempory Rock |
8/1 | 2:30 - 4pm | Sun | Paula Brandman Quintet | Jazz/Pop |
8/8 | 2:30 - 4pm | Sun | Sidesaddle & Co. | Bluegrass |
8/15 | 2:30 - 4pm | Sun | Dave Crimmen | Rockabilly |
8/22 | 2:30 - 4pm | Sun | Sparkletones | 50's Rock-n-Roll |
Urban Village Farmers Market Association
Open all year every Saturday 9:00am - 1:00pm at the Franklin Square - Jackson Street between Benton and Homestead.
Sponsored by the Downtown Santa Clara Merchants' Association
The final yes vote percentage was even higher than the latest poll done near the end of May. This follows the trend of a higher yes percentage with each poll as the 49ers misinformation campaign proceeded. And it is closer to the 66% yes vote margin the last poll saw from absentee/mail-in voters.
percent | votes | |
yes | 59.61% | 11,231 |
no | 40.39% | 7,609 |
The $4,010,345.49 spent through May 22, 2010 by the San Francisco 49ers amounts to $357.09 per yes vote. But in June 2009, before the 49ers had spent a dime on propaganda, there were already 30% of Santa Clarans ready to vote yes. 30% of the 18,840 people who voted (40.6% of registered voters) is 5,652. So the 49ers propaganda picked up 5,579 votes. Which means the 49ers spent $718.83 cents through May 22 (final total will be higher) for each of the yes votes that they picked up from their advertising campaign. At some point it will become illegal to buy votes with propaganda, but for now, the 49ers used that capability very effectively. And for Santa Claran voters, they apparently weren't aware of that ancient proverb that still rings true today - "Be careful when a sports team and politicians get in bed together and repeatedly tell you what to wish for".
Dennis O'Donnell took a new tack on his 11:30pm Sunday night CBS 5 sportscast in trying to justify the city of Santa Clara giving a subsidy to the San Francisco 49ers for a new stadium located next to residential neighborhoods. O'Donnell told a despicable whopper: that nothing else can be put on the parking lot other than a stadium. And it wasn't enough to say it once, he had to repeat it with all the hype and forced conviction a local sportscaster can muster. But for his lie to work you had to forget that Will Kennedy just mentioned the deal loses $67 million for the city (net present value - actual dollars higher) per a city report. Which means maintaining the parking lot would be preferable to a stadium. As expected, Lisa Gillmor chose to ignore the general fund loss shown in the report. She used a familiar tactic of the Stadium Five: talk only about money not leaving the General Fund for the stadium, and remain silent about the city report that shows money destined for the General Fund gets diverted to the stadium, leaving the General Fund with tens of millions less money than if no stadium was built at all.
And not content with making up Santa Clara zoning regulations, O'Donnell managed some time to bellow about jobs - knocking the number of stadium jobs up to a previously unheard of 7,000. Of course not a peep from O'Donnell about the fact that an NFL stadium is almost never open. Any jobs at it, or related to stadium events, would be so low in hours that they defy categorization. Part time? No, that implies a regularity. Seasonal? No, because there are almost no hours even when the stadium is "in season", unlike a seasonal job as a life guard, ski lodge employee, Christmas tree salesman, etc. They can best be called "jobs for someone who really isn't looking to work very much". But hey, polling says that Santa Clarans will vote for the stadium on the basis of jobs creation, so O'Donnell was sure to bray about it before declaring that if he lived in Santa Clara he would vote for the stadium.
Will Kennedy talked about the General Fund problems the city of Santa Clara has - showing that the city is in no position to afford a $67 million dollar loss to it. He mentioned cutting back library hours as one of the cuts they are currently having to make. But Dennis O'Donnell was quick to squash any talk about the city struggling financially. He scolded Kennedy with "The 49ers aren't reponsible for you cutting back library hours". And Dennis O'Donnell is mostly right, although millions of dollars to consultants and lawyers and countless hours by city staff have been spent over the last three years in preparation for owning the stadium, most of the current city of Santa Clara cutbacks are not a result of the 49ers stadium. But with a $67 million dollar loss to the General Fund coming from a stadium, that statement won't be true in the future. Although it is highly likely that O'Donnell and other 49ers shills will still continue to make it.
Will Kennedy and Lisa Gillmor will debate Measure J on KCBS Channel 5 TV at 11:30pm on Sunday, June 6th, 2010 on a show called Gameday. If you miss the broadcast you should be able to find it later at in the Sports section.
Contributor | Contribution |
Forty Niners Stadium, LLC | $2,605,657.84 |
Joint Electrical Industry Fund (JEIF) | $10,000 |
unspecified | $50 |
At the time that the Stadium Five decided to subsidize and own an NFL football stadium for the benefit of the San Francisco 49ers the public was firmly against the idea. Even in January 2010, almost two months into the 49ers campaign to convince them it was a good idea, Santa Clara voters were still firmly against it. But eventually, over a dozen brochures, innumerable yard signs, and countless commercials bought with millions of dollars have convinced a majority of Santa Clarans that subsidizing an NFL stadium is a good idea.
Of course it takes more than money to convince people that a money losing stadium is a good idea. It takes lies, gross exaggeration and most important of all, leaving out the negatives. And the Stadium Five, rather than represent the people of Santa Clara - as is their responsibility as elected officials - and give an honest picture of the situation, they chose instead to shill for the 49ers. The Santa Clara 49ers stadium has an incredible negative that is baked into it right from the start. Per a presentation from city staff, the city's General Fund loses $67 million from a one-team stadium. But you won't hear about that from the 49ers or their political shills. Incredibly, while a homeowner must disclose all the negatives of their home to potential buyers, politicians and sports teams are under no obligation to detail the negatives of a sports stadium when they try and sell it to the public. And they do not have to exercise any restraint in overstating and distorting positives. For example, jobs can be spoken about in the most general terms - without giving hours, pay or duties. To give the details of the jobs would completely burst the "NFL stadiums bring jobs" bubble. So the 49ers and their shills were careful not to do it. And they were very careful to mention the public costs as little as possible. And they used a convenient fact - that the State of California is so broke it has sometimes claimed some redevelopment funds from California cities, to lie that the State would take ALL redevelopment funds if they weren't used for the stadium. Mayor Patricia Mahan is particularly fond of spreading that lie - "Use it or lose it" - is the phrase she uses to do it.
Period | Pollster | For | Against | Number Polled |
May 22-24 2010 | SurveyUSA for KPIX-TV | 56% | 40% | 577 |
April 2010 | ABC 7 News/SJ Mercury News | 52% | 36% | 614 |
February 15-16, 2010 | Lindholm Research of Oregon | 45% | 45% | 200 |
Jan. 2010 | Survey USA | 40% | 54% | 500 |
June 2009 | Survey USA | 30% | 62% | 500 |
Will Kennedy and Patricia Mahan discuss Measure J on KQED public radio.
In a May 20th, 2010 KTVU channel 2 report on the 10 o'clock news, Santa Clara mayor Patricia Mahan said:
"I can envision when the fans come in for a football game, or a concert, or any other event on the weekend - that area of town - which is pretty much shuttered on the weekends, is gonna be a vibrant place to be."
Not coincidentally, Patricia Mahan's 4,655 square foot house is near Santa Clara University, far from the residential neighborhoods by the stadium. But there you have it stadium site residents - start throwing more block parties and keep the shades up in the next few months and maybe Patricia Mahan will decide that you haven't shuttered your neighborhoods on the weekends. And then she can work with the 49ers to find residential neighborhoods that are so quiet on the weekends that they need police checkpoints along with 68,500 fanatical football fans, concert goers and monster truck afficionados to bring in fun and excitement - or as she calls it - vibrancy.
In a May 20th, 2010 KTVU channel 2 report on the 10 o'clock news, Lloyd LaCuesta echoed the sentiments of the 49ers and their shills: the city of Santa Clara puts up $114 million, "and the 49ers would pay the rest". In reality, the Santa Clara Stadium Authority has to come up with $330 million. Per the stadium sales pitch, they will have no problem doing that - selling the name to the stadium, charging 49ers season ticket holders for the privilege of buying season tickets, charging vendors for the right to sell food and drink in the stadium, and getting money from "corporate founding partners". While the city of Santa Clara and the 49ers claim that there will be no problem getting $330 million from these sources they don't list any amounts they expect to receive from them. And they keep quiet about the fact that bonds will have to be issued since most of these sources are yearly payments - the only lump sum payment being from 49ers season ticket holders - and the bonds will have to be paid off from the income sources - if that income is sufficient.
Which raises an obvious question. If the Santa Clara Stadium Authority can easily come up with $330 million as promised by the people trying to get a YES vote on Measure J, then why didn't the 49ers just buy the stadium themselves? Why are they willing to pay $493 million which combined with the $330 milion is almost 90% of the stadium costs - and then rent it? In what other deals does someone pay almost all of the cost of something they are going to use and then not own it? If $330 million will easily flow in to the Stadium Authority, it is hard to see why the 49ers wouldn't just come up with all the money. The 49ers' brochures refer to the $35 million from the new hotel room rate tax as a "hotel investment" and remove it from the city's contribution. The 49ers could have counted on that as well since the hotels voted on it voluntarily. The hotels would have done that regardless of who owns the stadium. That gets the part that the 49ers didn't pay for down to $79 million. The city claims they were going to spend $17 million on a new parking garage even without a stadium. Now the 49ers extra contribution is down to $62 million. For another $62 million they could have owned a $900 million (even higher with typical cost overruns) stadium for 60 years. Instead, they are choosing to rent it. And yet the 49ers, their front group, and the Stadium Five say that the stadium is a great investment for the city of Santa Clara. A good investment for Santa Clara, but not for the 49ers or the 49ers owner??
LaCuesta also incorrecty stated that the term sheet is a "40 year agreement between the city and the 49ers". In fact, the term sheet is a preliminary non-binding document. The final agreement will be the Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA). The voters are voting on a non-binding agreement and the final agreement will be made after the election. Any guesses on whether the post-election final deal will be more or less favorable to Santa Clara voters?
And LaCuesta also mistakenly stated that the 49ers will pay all stadium operating expenses. The term sheet actually states that " 49ers Stadium Company will have the right to reasonably identify the costs and expenses in the Annual Stadium Operating Budget that will be included in Reimbursable Expenses and, therefore, be subject to 49ers Stadium Company reimbursement". The 49ers will also not pay Santa Clara Stadium Authority bond debt payments, which would put the Stadium Authority into bankrupcty if they cannot make those payments based on Naming Rights, Pouring Rights, Seat Licenses, etc.
In the 49ers stadium sales pitch that Patricia Mahan and Jamie Matthews made in the May 5th, 2010 Santa Clara Weekly the following statements were made:
Although we know the potential economic benefits to the region exceed $249 million, what convinces us is the direct benefits to Santa Clara. We approached the project with caution and backed our city manager in three years of tough negotiations. We put Santa Clara first - and ironclad protections for our city and residents are written into the law. The suggestion that our city manager would recommend something that would harm Santa Clara just simply does not hold up to common sense.
The last sentence is a phrase that no doubt has been used many times throughout history. It was likely uttered on Wall Street a few years ago by CEOs justifying the new mortgage lending techniqes: "The idea that our managers would recommend something that will harm our company just simply does not hold up to common sense". And then their companies collapsed. Unless they are corrupt, every manager believes that their decisions will not harm the entity they work for.
So you would assume that the last line would apply to the Santa Clara 49ers stadium project and the city of Santa Clara manager. That is, until you read the presentation she and her staff gave to the city council on June 2, 2009, that shows the City of Santa Clara takes a $67 million hit to the General Fund (net present value - actual dollars higher) from a one-team stadium. Showing that a huge General Fund hit was already baked into the Santa Clara stadium project at the start, and then in the same presentation recommending that Santa Clara proceed with the 49ers stadium project only holds up to uncommon sense. Or it demonstrates that the city of Santa Clara has a manager who will go along with whatever direction she gets from the Stadium Five - regardless of what common sense and the numbers dictate. Although if that is the case, you have to at least give her credit for not providing the Stadium Five with numbers that make the stadium look like a good deal.
The residents next to the stadium site have good news from the city of Santa Clara - police checkpoints will prevent stadium goers from parking in their neighborhood. These checkpoints will also offer them an excellent opportunity to get to know some of the 160 area law enforcement personnel who will be necessary to control stadium events. But they also have some bad news from the city of Santa Clara. Police checkpoints will prevent friends and relatives from visiting while stadium events are taking place. The city of Santa Clara has refused the requests of these neighborhoods to grant parking passes for visitors. Is it necessary to mention that none of the Stadium Five live anywhere near the stadium site? Nor, of course, do the ex-politicians who are also shilling for the 49ers like Pat Kolstad and Lisa Gillmor.
A stadium area resident speaks to the Santa Clara city council about police checkpoints and restricted
access to his neighborhood during stadium events
Pro and Con on Santa Clara Measure J find agreement - it's gonna be noisy and traffic will be bad.
In order to help convince the voters of Santa Clara to agree to allow the city to subsidize and own the ultimate politician's
trophy - an NFL football stadium - for the
benefit of the San Francisco 49ers ownership; the
Stadium Five, city staff, and the
San Francisco 49ers decided to use a cheap political trick.
They added a 35 cent ticket surcharge to each NFL ticket which will yield a maximum of $250,000.00 per year. The
term sheet refers to this ticket surcharge as the
City of Santa Clara Senior and Youth Program Fee.
The ballot question that Jamie Matthews wrote adds two more hot button
issues, broadening it to being used
for "senior/youth/library/recreation". However, Matthews was careful not to mention the tiny (relative to the city's budget) dollar amount.
The $250,000 maximum remains in affect for 40 to 60 years. It is never adjusted for inflation. And of course there is no need to adjust something that only exists to try and con voters in 2010, for inflation that takes place between 2014 and 2074. The city of Santa Clara General Fund is currently $150.8 million. $250,000.00 is 0.165% of this year's General Fund budget. If you spent $100 dollars at a restaurant and left a 0.165% tip it would be 17 cents. The $250,000.00 a year for 40 years has a net present value of $3,000,000 which does not come close to making up for the $67 million loss to the General Fund (net present value - the actual dollar loss is even larger) that is caused by building the stadium for one team. And the 0.165%, as surprisingly small a percentage as it is, will go down steadily over time. And it will actually never be as high as 0.165% because the first year it will be in effect - 2014 - will have a General Fund budget even larger than the one for the 2009/2010 fiscal year. With 3% inflation, in 40 years the city General Fund budget will be $489 million and the $250,000.00 will be down to 0.05% of the budget. And that is without factoring in the aggressive population growth each city council undertakes which will make the $250,000 even more insignificant over time than inflation alone.
So when you see "and additional funds for senior/youth/library/recreation to City's General fund" on your ballot question, be aware that the amount is tiny compared to the General Fund and very small compared to the $67 million the General Fund loses from constructing a one team stadium per a report presented to the city council by city staff on June 2nd, 2009. Be aware that it is a cheap political trick designed to allow a sentence to be added to the "ballot question" - minus any dollar figures - to try and convince you the stadium is bringing in significant amounts of money for several hot button city programs.
Will Kennedy speaks to Santa Clara Plays Fair
(id SCvoter on
on Reason #1 of
top 10 reasons
to Vote No on Santa Clara Measure J
Most Santa Clarans are not aware of this finding which appears in the city's economic study. What this means is that even after all direct and indirect stadium revenue to the General Fund is counted, the General Fund still ends up losing a net $67 million -- because the revenue is not nearly enough to offset the cost. Unfortunately, the 49ers marketing materials falsely claim that the General Fund will not be impacted. It will, by $67 million.
You may have read that no General Fund money goes into building the stadium. This is literally true, but misleading, because redevelopment money which would otherwise flow into the General Fund will be diverted to pay for stadium construction. This diversion, plus other losses caused by the stadium total $98 million. The expected stadium General Fund revenues over the 40 year lease, including rent and all new taxes, total only $31 million. The result is a $67 million net loss. (i.e. 98-31=$67 million).The General Fund is used by the city to pay for police, fire, libraries and parks, etc. The loss of $67 million will have a major impact on these services. The current General Fund budget is approximately $150 million. $67 million is enough money to keep the city going for over 5 months. While the 49ers promise that there will be no taxes, less money in the General Fund will eventually result in either reduced services or new taxes. The City Council just hasn't addressed that yet.
The $67 million figure is in "net present value" or today's dollars. In nominal dollars, the figure is much greater. We use "net present value" because it is used by city staff, and is consistent with standard accounting principals.
Source: Slide 48 in City's 6/2/09 Powerpoint presentation, "City General Fund Considerations"
One of the revenue sources for the City of Santa Clara's General Fund is property taxes. When a Santa Clara resident pays property taxes $10.20 of every $100 paid goes to the City of Santa Clara General Fund. The higher property values are the more the city receives. What happens to property values when a stadium comes to the neighborhood? It isn't mentioned by the 49ers or their front group, but there are residential neighborhoods right near where the 49ers (and likely the Raiders as well) will play. And most people probably assume that the Stadium Five would not place an NFL stadium next to residential neighborhoods. But the Stadium Five are not championing a stadium because it will be good for the city or will not negatively impact residential neighborhoods. They were given a presentation by city staff that showed the city's General Fund would lose $67 million from a stadium. They still voted for it. The city and its people are less important than their relationship with the San Francisco 49ers and their legacy:
"This $1 billion construction project would be the largest this valley has ever seen."
Jamie Matthews and Patricia Mahan in a San Jose Mercury News editorial page article on April, 16th, 2010.
"This site, we believe, would give the fans a great game-day experience and that's what
it's all about: doing what's best for the 49ers and doing what's best for the fans."
Patricia Mahan in a 6/19/2007 Mercury News article that showed her
courting NFL and 49ers brass.
Are people more likely or less likely to buy a house near an NFL football stadium?
What will potential buyers think when they are out with their real estate agent and they are told - "We'd better not look at houses in
northern Santa Clara today because the 49ers are playing and we will get caught in a terrible traffic jam." Will driving by a big looming
stadium make a potential buyer feel like they've found their neighborhood? It is highly probably a
football stadium will suppress property values in the area, resulting in less property tax
money for the city's General Fund and the city's school system
than if no stadium is built.
It is 100% certain that none of the Stadium Five lives anywhere near the proposed
San Francisco 49ers NFL stadium site. A stadium that according to
Tim Kawakami of the Mercury News, needs
the Raiders in order for the San Francisco 49ers to pay the bills. Two football teams mean that 20 consecutive Sunday
afternoons from August through
December will bless the neighborhood with the arrival of 68,500 fanatical football fans.
With the city's General Fund currently bleeding red ink ( $13.5 million for fiscal 2009-2010 ), and projected to lose even more next year, losing property tax revenue from an NFL stadium is contraindicated. Especially in light of the $67 million loss the general fund will already take from a one-team stadium ($31 million loss with the 49ers and Raiders) and the city projecting deficits for the next five years.
Coming soon to a Santa Clara residential neighborhood near you.
While originaly projected as a $6.7 million deficit when the budget was made for fiscal year 2009/2010 (July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010), a recent revenue report to the City Council on March 30, 2010, revealed that the deficit for 2009/2010 is now expected to be $13.5 million. The city will need to dip deeper into their capital reserve (also known as the emergency reserve). The capital reserve fund will be down to only $2.5 million after this years withdrawal. A deficit is also projected for the coming years. At the April 27th, 2010 city council meeting, city manager Jennifer Sparacino stated that it was expected that the 2010/2011 budget deficit would be larger than the $13.5 million deficit for the 2009/2010 fiscal year. With the capital reserve fund drained, future deficits will have to be dealt with exclusively via the General Fund - by either cutting expenses and services and/or increasing taxes.
And yet the Stadium Five continues to push for a
city subsidized and owned NFL football stadium, which
city documents show on page 48
that the General Fund
will have $67 million LESS if a stadium is built for the San Francisco 49ers ($31 million less if the
Oakland Raiders also use the stadium):
On the April 25, 2010 Channel ABC News 11:00pm newscast report on the Santa Clara San Francisco 49ers stadium, 49ers point woman Lisa Gillmor was shown saying that it was about "jobs, jobs, jobs". And that the stadium was a great thing for a bad economy. She knows that the 49ers polling shows that this is the biggest reason people are saying they will vote yes on the idea of the city of Santa Clara helping to pay for and then owning an NFL football stadium.
Can you pay the rent on
a stadium job? No. Can you make a car payment on a stadium job? No. A stadium job would be less desirable than a job selling
Christmas trees - it offers equivalent pay, but less hours. An NFL football stadium is almost never open. And only open a portion of the
day on the few days that it is open. It would be used 10 days a year for the
San Francisco 49ers and another 10 if the Oakland Raiders come. Throw in a concert, an international soccer game, a monster truck pull, and a
Christmas tree lot is still comfortably ahead in hours. When almost a billion dollars is spent you expect some good jobs.
Not part-time temporary low wage
jobs. Will most of the part-time temporary low wage stadium jobs go to Santa Clarans - the people of the only city paying for the stadium?
No, Santa Clara is much smaller than next door neighbor San Jose and is only one city among 15 in Santa Clara County, not to mention other
nearby counties. What would Lisa Gillmor say if one of her kids told her they were quitting their full time job or dropping out of
college in order to get a new
stadium job selling refreshments or taking tickets a couple dozen days a year? Her shriek would be heard as far away as the
stadium site - and that's a long way away. None of the current and
former politicians cheerleading a new NFL football stadium in the city of Santa Clara live in the neighborhoods near the stadium. The
neighborhoods that will be affected by the traffic, the noise, and the tens of thousands of fans celebrating victories and decrying losses
after games while leaving a stadium that will not have parking for the vast majority of them.
And the same problems that exist for stadium jobs exist for any jobs created as a result of the stadium - restaurant/bar/hotel - jobs. How many new jobs - that is - how many people would be hired by restaurants, hotels and bars in order to accomodate a stadium that is only open a few dozen days a year? It seems likely that they would just ask some of their staff - many of whom are working part-time already - to work additional hours. Stadium related jobs have an additional problem - anyone flying in to see a 49ers game doesn't have to stay in a Santa Clara hotel. They don't even have to stay in a Santa Clara County hotel. If they are coming to the Bay Area for a weekend, of which only 4 hours will be spent in a Santa Clara San Francisco 49ers stadium, they will likely rent a room near where they will be spending most of their weekend. Downtown San Jose, San Francisco, Santa Cruz, etc. People driving or taking mass transit to the game will have far more choices of restaurants in Mountain View and San Jose than they will in Santa Clara. Which is why stadium proponents will talk about a stadium benefiting the region - since Santa Clara is only a small part of Santa Clara County and the Bay Area. And yet Santa Clara is the only city that will pay for it, the only city that will be responsible for it's expenses, the only city that will have to issue bonds to pay for construction.
Most, if not all of the 49ers supporters who storm Santa Clara city council chambers wearing read and cheerleading for a new
city subsidized and owned NFL football stadium seem to think there is only one team in the mix. But, the term sheet mentions a
second team in several places, including
Section 16
A second team is also
shown on
page 48
of the term sheet presentation
(the page that shows the city General Fund loses $67 million with a one team stadium and $31 million from a two team stadium). Tim
Kawakami of the Mercury News said that from what he has heard
the 49ers can't pay for the stadium without the Raiders
. And the proposed stadium has large electronic exterior displays that
can easily change from week to week - just like the stadium in New Jersey that hosts the Jets and Giants. And yet
no one is talking about the Raiders coming to town. Could it be 49ers fans don't to want to share the stadium??
The stadium site (aka ground site)
will be owned by the
city of Santa Clara, who will lease it to the
Santa Clara Stadium Authority under what is called the
ground lease in the term sheet.
The Santa Clara Stadium Authority will then lease the stadium to the
Forty Niners Stadium, LLC, in what the term sheet calls the
stadium lease. The Forty Niners Stadium, LLC will lease the stadium to the
San Francisco Forty Niners, LTD in what is referred to as the
team sublease. At their discretion, Forty Niners Stadium, LLC can also lease the stadium to the
Oakland Raiders, the 2nd team sublease.
The Ground Lease, Stadium Lease and Team Sublease all have the same term: 40 years minimum, with 5 options to renew for another 4 years - bringing the maximum lease period to 60 years. Forty Niners Stadium, LLC has the option as to whether they want to exercise a lease extension or terminate the leases. The 2nd Team Sublease, while controlled by the Forty Niners Stadium, LLC, is supposed to be subject to the same terms as the Stadium Lease, but presumably that does not include the 40 year term. Section 16.2 of the term sheet even talks about a temporary 2nd team sublease of up to 3 NFL seasons while the Oakland Raiders wait for a new stadium to be built.
The San Francisco 49ers and their paid allies have promised a lot of part-time temporary low wage jobs if a stadium is built in Santa Clara, a minority of which would go to Santa Clarans. Well, they don't actually call them part-time temporary low-wage jobs - they refer to them as full-time equivalent jobs. Bundling several dozen part-time temporary jobs into a "full-time equivalent job" is a good tactic, since it avoids pointing out the obvious problem of a stadium with regard to jobs creation - a stadium is almost never open, and only open for a part of the day. And it makes it easier to grossly overstate the amount of jobs. Not to mention that the jobs are at or close to minimum wage. You can't pay the rent on a stadium job. You can't even make a car payment on a stadium job. The math is not pretty: 10 dollars an hour times 5 hours a day, times 20 days a year means a stadium job would end up getting you a total of $1,000.00 for the year. Or looked at another way, a stadium job is equivalent to 2.5 weeks of a fulltime low wage job. Even taking the ridiculously optimistic "vote for it" projection of stadium proponents that the stadium will be open 40 days a year only raises the annual salary to $2,000 and the hours to the equivalent of four weeks of low wage work.
Nevertheless, the "full-time equivalent jobs" have begun (and going to mostly non-Santa Clarans as would happen with stadium jobs) even before the stadium is built. The San Francisco 49ers front group Santa Clarans for Economic Progress have been hiring Santa Clara Univerity students since January to help sell the stadium subsidy and ownership by Santa Clara to Santa Clarans. Their campus ad:
Santa Claran's for Economic Progress
Campaign Internships
We are looking for students who are interested in learning how a local campaign works.
Gain valuable experience and network with local activists. Previous campaign experience not required, but highly valued.
Requirements include ability to use basic word processing and spreadsheet software, work ethic, and willingness to work
outside of normal business hours. Interns will likely spend much of their time talking to the public and must also be flexible
in an ever changing environment. Some positions will be mostly in-office, some will require significant time in the field.
Please send your resume to and include: short statement why you'd like to work on this campaign, what
you hope to gain from this campaign, your hours of availability (any time between 9am to 10pm, 7 days a week), if you speak
any additional languages, and any other info you'd like us to know about you.
Interviews will begin soon and applications are excepted on a rolling basis. We expect internships to end around June 10, 2010.
Hopefully none of the SCU student workers are accounting majors, as they will become disenchanted if they see slide 48 prepared by city workers which shows with numbers that the stadium causes the city of Santa Clara to have less money if a stadium is built than if it isn't. And hopefully none are Sociology majors as they will become disenchanted once they see that the stadium is being built right next to a residential neighborhood.
It makes you wonder how much of the millions of dollars from the San Francisco 49ers are being used to hire "precinct walkers" that aren't Santa Clara University students?. We know that the people who collected signatures for the initiative were paid to do so. Are the precinct walkers all hired hands as well? Several million dollars does give you the resources to hire a lot of people. Isn't it strange though - the stadium is such a great deal according to the Stadium Five, and yet the San Francisco 49ers have to spend millions of dollars to get it sold. Since when do great deals have to be hammered down people's throats with lies and false promises?
The millions are trickling down and benefiting others as well - the 49ers front group has been
buying and activating some domain names through
But they did forget this one: By buying up VoteNoOnJ domain names could the San Francisco 49ers be signaling that they realize they would be renting a stadium that has no parking, no BART, and no hope of making payments unless the Oakland Raiders share it - and are thinking about reversing course?
The San Francisco 49ers are spending millions to convince the voters of the City of Santa Clara to agree to subsidize and own a football stadium for their benefit. Among other things, that buys a lot of lawn signs. If you want to display your opposition to the stadium, Santa Clara Plays Fair has "No On Measure J" signs for you. But since there is no wealthy corporation paying for the signs it would help if you could make a financial donation, either for the yard signs, for the flyers they distribute, or for a campaign mailer they would like to do to get out the truth about the Santa Clara San Francisco 49ers stadium subsidy .
In addition to displaying a lawn sign, you can volunteer to assist them. Help fight the millions of dollars and falsehoods of the San Francisco 49ers and their employees and political allies, by:
An Open Letter to Santa Clarans
by City Councilmembers Jamie McLeod and Will Kennedy
and by
A major campaign is underway to encourage Santa Clarans to vote for a football stadium (Measure J). We oppose the stadium because we believe that public money should be spent on the public, and any private investment of public money should have a positive return on investment. The following are the top ten reasons why we oppose the 49ers stadium subsidy. An explanation and information source is provided.
At the website of the San Francisco 49ers front group
Santa Clarans for Economic Progress,
Santa Clara city council member Jamie Matthews
goes to bat for the City of Santa Clara subsidizing the San Francisco 49ers:
Next to a
picture of a broadly smiling Matthews the question is asked:
On the June 8th Stadium vote: Are the Taxpayers at Risk?
Jamie Matthews responds:
"Not at all. The measure's iron-clad language states that there can be NO new city taxes and NO use of
the city's general fund for this project. There will be no cost to Santa Clara residents. Period."
Jamie Matthews
Santa Clara City Councilmember
In a presentation given at the June 2nd, 2009 city council meeting by city employees, a Powerpoint slide on page 48 showed a consultant's estimate of how the city's General Fund will do with or without a San Francisco 49ers stadium being subsidized and tax sheltered by the city. With one football team the General Fund will have 67 million dollars less than if a stadium is not built. With two football teams (the Oakland Raiders have made no public statement regarding a willingness to move to Santa Clara) the General Fund will have $31 million less than no stadium. This is due to money destined for the General Fund being diverted from the city's Redevelopment Agency to the stadium. And yet Jamie Matthews claims there is no use of the city's General Fund for the project??
The city of Santa Clara is currently running a deficit and is projected to run a deficit for the next five years. The stadium causes the General Fund to have less money, per a presentation given by city employees, and yet Jamie Matthews claims with surety there won't be any tax increases (or cuts in services - a cost) due to the San Francisco 49ers stadium project??
The Santa Clara NFL football stadium would last for a minimum of 40 years and a maximum of 60 years per the (non-binding) term sheet that has been prepared. The San Francisco 49ers put some of their employees on unpaid leave for a period of time in the summer of 2009 due to financial problems. There is no guarantee that the 49ers will be able to make their lease payment for all 40 years and the lease is not even with the San Francisco 49ers. It is with their firewall affiliate - Forty Niners Stadium, LLC. What if the Forty Niners Stadium, LLC can't make lease payments and the San Francisco 49ers move to the Oakland Colesium? And Forty Niners Stadium, LLC does not pay all the bills of a proposed Santa Clara NFL stadium. They only pay what the term sheet calls reimbursable expenses. The Forty Niners Stadium, LLC is not obligated to pay what the term sheet calls excluded expenses. Excluded expenses include the debt payments of the Santa Clara Stadium Authority. You won't hear about the Santa Clara Stadium Authority debt from Jamie Matthews or the other Santa Clara politicians shilling for the San Francisco 49ers. You won't hear about Stadium Authority debt from the San Francisco 49ers or their front group Santa Clarans for Economic Progress. It is even hidden in the term sheet, being mentioned in some places, and being left off conspicuously in others. What happens if the Santa Clara Stadium Authority can't pay it's debt which it is supposed to finance from stadium naming rights - which have lost favor in recent years and have gone down in amount (the Oakland Colesium hosts two sports teams and currently has no naming rights deal)? It's either bankruptcy or a bail out from the city of Santa Clara General Fund. Would future politicians even consider bankrupcty? It seems a bail out would be their only choice. That would mean a future hit to the General Fund on top of the hit the report presented by city employees already demonstrated. And yet Jamie Matthews claims there is no risk to Santa Clara taxpayers??
The city is using money from it's redevelopment agency, it's utility reserve fund, and from taxes it is collecting from
hotels. The total of all stadium construction expenditures by the city (per the
non-binding term sheet)
is $114 million dollars.
And yet Jamie Matthews claims that there is "NO cost to Santa Clara residents. Period."
Jamie Matthews is a dishonest San Francisco
49ers shill. Period.
A Santa Clara citizen has filed a lawsuit in Santa Clara County Superior Court over the misleading and biased language on the June 10, 2010 special election ballot regarding Measure J - the city of Santa Clara subsidy and ownership of a new San Francisco 49ers NFL football stadium. The city attorney predictably claims the suit is without merit. But clearly a ballot question written by the same politicians who appear on the website of the San Francisco 49ers front group Santa Clarans for Economic Progress shilling for the stadium, and a ballot question that was modified by those same politicians after the San Francisco 49ers front group stormed city council chambers and demanded it be changed, is going to lack objectivity.
What is termed a question is actually a question followed by seven misleading pro-stadium sentences. They separate the original question and the following pro-stadium sentences with semi-colons, allowing the city and the Stadium Five to make a claim that is in fact a "ballot question". Not surprisingly, none of the negatives of the stadium are included in the ballot "question".
Most notably, the ballot question fails to mention the $67 million that the city's General Fund loses if the stadium is contructed versus no construction. This figure is from a report by a consultant hired by the city to study the issue. $98 million that was going to go to the General Fund gets diverted to the stadium. Even adding in the overly optimistic claims that the stadium will make $31 million (the 49ers real estate magnate owner doesn't see the stadium as a profitable enterprise) leaves the General Fund with $67 million less with the stadium, than without. No new taxes, except for those necessary because the General Fund loses $67 million.
Nor does the ballot question mention using $20 million in Utility Emergency Reserve funds to move a utility station to provide a small amount of parking for the stadium. Moving a utility station for NFL football stadium parking is not something that Utiity Emergency Reserve funds are intended for. No new taxes, except for those necessary to replenish $20 million into the Utility Emergency Reserve.
While saying that future city politicians are under no obligation to bail out a money losing Santa Clara Stadium Authority with General Funds, it fails to mention that they not only could do so, but it's almost a given that they would do so. An NFL football stadium is a vanity buy for local politicians and some of their citizens and nothing looks worse than a city owned stadium that some current and past politicians were claiming was a sure thing going bankrupt. No obligation to bail it out, but pretty unthinkable that a bankrupt Santa Clara Stadium Authority would not be bailed out. No new taxes, except for those necessary in the future for a bankrupt Santa Clara Stadium Authority bailout.
The ballot measure mentions additional funds for the hot-button areas of senior, youth, library and recreation (only senior and youth are mentioned in the term sheet) from a 35 cent ticket surcharge on NFL tickets. But the ballot question fails to note how small these payments will be - fixed at a maximum of $250,000 per year, and not adjusted for inflation - ever. The $250,000 a year for 40 years doesn't come close to making up for the $67 million the General Fund loses if the stadium is built (and that is before any Santa Clara Stadium Authority bail out). $250,000 is a tiny fraction of the city's $150.8 million dollar general fund budget for 2009/2010 and the 35 cent ticket surcharge is clearly a political trick. The token payment allows "provides youth and senior money" to be thrown around with abandon by the San Francisco 49ers and the Stadium Five.
The San Francisco 49ers via their
front group
Santa Clarans for Economic Progress,
continue to pour money into the Santa Clara Measure J election. And why not spend a few million when
you are going to get hundreds of millions from your subsidy city? Their
Form 460 for the period 1/1/2010 to 3/17/2010 reveals that
the San Francisco 49ers and their firewall entity
gave an additional $1,042,037.40 in cash and services to try and buy the
June 10, 2010 Measure J election. Bringing their total so far to $1,404,687.65 in less than five months. Again, a
little price to pay for getting a
small city to take on the financial burden of helping to fund construction and then owning and paying the bills for
a money losing NFL stadium for 40 or more years.
In an interview with Santa Clara city councilman Will Kennedy explained why the Santa Clara 49ers stadium is a bad investment for the city of Santa Clara. He says "There would be more money in the general fund if we did not build." Will Kennedy, along with Jamie McLeod voted against the Santa Clara 49ers stadium deal on June 2nd, 2009 after the term sheet was presented to the city council, while the Stadium Five voted unanimously for it.
As councilman Kennedy points out, one of the problems of the stadium is that it takes money from the Santa Clara Redevelopment Agency that could have gone to paying back the city's General Fund from money that was borrowed. Kennedy points out that according to a report by a city consultant , the city's General Fund would end up with $98 million if the stadium is not built, versus $31 million if it is built. The stadium causes the city to have less General Fund money - $67 million dollars less. And this figure doesn't include General Fund losses that will take place if a future Santa Clara city council votes to use General Fund money to bail out a bankrupt Santa Clara Stadium Authority.
Another problem with the stadium deal that Will Kennedy points out is that it extends the incredible rent subsidy given to the 49ers for their practice facility out another 40 to 60 years. How much of a subsidy do the San Francisco 49ers get for their 11 acre practice facility? They pay less for 11 acres than it would cost to rent a 4 bedroom house in the same area - $22,000 per year. Per acre the San Francisco 49ers are paying 1 percent as much as what the Hyatt Hotel down the street pays.
A required campaign document reveals the truth. The San Francisco 49ers front group Santa Clarans for Economic Progress filed their required Form 460 (Recipient Committee Campaign Statement) with the City of Santa Clara Clerk's Office on 2/1/2010 to detail their contributions and expenditures for 2009. Although they had been touting themselves as a "grassroots organization", the Form 460 revealed that to be a lie. 99.73% of their contributions ( $362,650.25 ) came from the San Francisco 49ers or the 49ers firewall entity Forty Niners Stadium, LLC. Only 13 people living in Santa Clara gave money to the group totaling $725. Four people living outside of Santa Clara contributed an additional $240 dollars and one company in Santa Clara contributed $20. A box labeled "Sponsored" was also checked (there was no box for "front group"). Where the form asked for Committee Name they wrote:
Santa Clarans for Economic Progress, sponsored by and major funding by Forty Niners Stadium, LLC and a coalition of local residents, business owners, retirees, homeowners, civic leaders and native Santa Clarans.
Component | Contributions | Percentage |
San Francisco 49ers and Forty Niners Stadium, LLC | $362,650.25 | 99.73% |
coalition of local residents, business owners, retirees, homeowners, civic leaders and native Santa Clarans | $985 | 0.27% |
When you see Santa Clarans for Economic Progress you can substitute San Francisco 49ers. The ballot initiative that the people of Santa Clara are being asked to vote on is an advocacy piece written by the same group that stands to benefit from it - the San Francisco 49ers. The fact that a ballot initiative can be an advocacy piece was one of two reasons the Santa Clara Stadium Five withdrew their own ballot measure (which would have had to have been written in a more objective and truthful way) in deference to the San Francisco 49ers ballot initiative.
While Santa Clara politicians talk about what a great deal owning an NFL football stadium will be, it is important to remember that the San Francisco 49ers have chosen not to own and run an NFL stadium. If football stadiums were profitable enterprises, the billionaire team owners around the country wouldn't bother trying to get local governments to help finance them and run them. They would just finance and run them themselves. And there would be no need for books like Field of Schemes.
Proposed Santa Clara 49ers Pyramid
Why politicians are so anxious to use public funds to subsidize billionaires in the unprofitable enterprise of running a football stadium is partly revealed in the statements "it will put us on the map" (which it doesn't do - the team retains it's name - "San Francisco 49ers") and the phrase that an ex-politician shouted into the public microphone at a Santa Clara city council meeting - "great leaders build!". A football stadium to them is what the Pyramids were to the Pharoahs. A monument to their greatness. But while a Pyramid cost a lot of money to build, it didn't require bonds to be issued with 30 years of interest payment and a lump sum repayment of principle, didn't steal money from the Redevelopment Agency that would have gone to the city General Fund, and they didn't perennially lose money like an NFL football stadium. Wouldn't it be nice if they just built a pyramid? They could call it the Santa Clara San Francisco 49ers Pyramid. It would cost less to build, lose less money, and actually would "put us on the map".
The San Francisco 49ers and their front group Santa Clarans for Economic Progress stormed Santa Clara city council chambers on Tuesday night, and as expected, the city council caved and rewrote the ballot initiative question. The only surprise was that one of the Stadium Five broke ranks on the issue. Joe Kornder remained uncowed by the San Francisco 49ers and voted along with Jamie McLeod and Will Kennedy against changing language from what three city council members and city employees had come up with.
The San Francisco 49ers and their front group Santa Clarans for Economic Progress are not happy with how the city wrote their initiative. Pursuant to California Election Code it is the perogative of the city council to write the ballot question rather than the San Francisco 49ers or their front group. But front group spokesperson, ex-politician Lisa Gillmor, says they are not happy with wording regarding money taken from utility funds. The San Jose Mercury News article also complains (presumably due to input from Gillmor) that the initiative doesn't address operating costs. The implication is that it should mention the claim of the 49ers and the city of Santa Clara that there will never be any impact to the city General Fund from the stadium. There have been two firewalls erected to protect both parties - the City of Santa Clara has created the Santa Clara Stadium Authority and the San Francisco 49ers football team has created the Forty Niners Stadium, LLC. The idea is that in the event the NFL football stadium becomes a money loser (a likely event which is why the San Francisco 49ers don't want to own it), the city will be protected as the debts will belong to the Santa Clara Stadium Authority. The Santa Clara Stadium Authority will go bankrupt and the city will be under no obligation to bail them out. But would the Santa Clara politicians allow that? Highly unlikely, just looking at the way the NFL stadium deals are catnip for current politicians like the Stadium Five and ex-politicians like Lisa Gillmor and Pat Kolstad. And given the fact that a stadium bankruptcy would be extremely embarassing, it is almost inconceivable that future Santa Clara politicians would not use money from the General Fund for a stadium bail out.
Santa Clara Mayor Patricia Mahan, the most visible and vocal current politician in the San Francisco 49ers front group Santa Clarans for Economic Progress, said at the June 2009 city council meeting where they gave the green light to using city funds to help build a San Francisco 49ers Stadium in Santa Clara:
"I have no fears that going forward this project will be a tremendous success"
But despite this cocksure statement, both parties who would suffer financial losses from a money losing stadium have created new artificial entities to act as firewalls in case things don't meet their optimistc projections (and stadium deals always seem to fall well short of the rhetoric of politicians and the millionaire owners being subsidized). The city of Santa Clara has created the Santa Clara Stadium Authority (which has to come up with $330 million or 35% of the proposed financing) and the San Francisco 49ers have created the Forty Niners Stadium, LLC. But given the fact that stadium proponents are loudly proclaiming that a football stadium will improve the city's image, what would really happen in the event of a Santa Clara Stadium Authority bankruptcy? The city is not obligated to bail it out, but it is hard to envision the Santa Clara city council doing anything else. The news of a foreclosure and the 49ers having to play back in Candlestick Park or up at the Oakland Coliseum would be so devastating for current and past politicians, who appear to look at a stadium the way Egyptian Pharoahs looked at Pyramids, that they would be working overtime trying to justify why more Santa Clara tax dollars are needed to prop up the San Francisco 49ers football stadium. The firewall will be breached and the City of Santa Clara will be hurting.
Tim Kawakami, San Jose Mercury news sports columnist says in his 1/14/10 column:
"Two years after he was hired with great York-ian fanfare, Andy Dolich disappeared from the 49ers' hierarchy this week.
The way Jed York described it: Dolich's position was eliminated. The way I hear it:
Jed is enthralled by the Dallas Cowboys organization and wants to establish a
Jerry Jones-style front office, with, of course, Jed in the all-powerful JJ role.
It's not a terrible model to copy, and Jed should be particularly interested in Jones' new stadium."
"But wait: Wasn't Dolich supposedly hired to help guide the 49ers' Santa Clara project? Yes, he was. His departure/firing is not a good sign, I would think, for the Santa Clara effort.
The more I hear about this situation, the more I'm convinced that the 49ers probably can't do this financially without a partner, and that would mean the Raiders. And Al Davis.
Which is never going to happen, for as long as Al lives, and we all know that's going to be another 100 years."
At the Santa Clara city council meeting on 1/12/2009, former city council member Aldyth Parle withdrew her support for the 49ers initiative created by the 49ers and their front group, Santa Clarans for Economic Progress. Ms. Parle had been one of the three people, along with Don Callejon and Pat Kolstad, who had signed the letter given to the City Clerks Office on December 10th, 2009, announcing their intention to create a 49ers Stadium Ballot Initiative.
It is notable in her formal statement that she was given the same lie that some 49ers petition gatherers gave while collecting signatures - that the only way the people will get to vote on this stadium project is via a ballot initiative. In other words, the scenario is supposed to be that without the ballot initiative the city council will do a stadium deal without a public vote. While the city council was originally trying subsidize a football stadium without a public vote, concerned and proactive citizens had already forced them to adhere to democracy and create a ballot measure. But once the 49ers decided on a ballot initiative - something that is not subject to the same environmental scrutiny and potential lawsuits as a ballot measure and can be written in more misleading and biased language - the city council then folded their ballot measure by a 5 to 2 vote. So the ballot initiative is a replacement for the city council's ballot measure, not a way to stop the city council from using taxpayer money to subsidize a stadium without a vote of the people.
Great America has new owners - , but they aren't commenting on the lawsuit that was filed by the previous owner. Has the city escaped litigation with this sale?
The Santa Clara city council voted 5-2 to cancel their 49ers stadium ballot measure and defer to the ballot initiative being pushed by the San Francisco 49ers and their front group the Santa Clarans for Economic Progress. The city council prefers the ballot initiative since that removes the ability for people to sue for environmental issues that a ballot measure would allow. And the city council is right to be concerned about lawsuits. Cramming a 14 acre stadium on a 17 acre lot a block or two away from residential neighborhoods with no nearby parking is going to have some severe impacts on the 95054 environment. Of course, none of the city council lives in the 95054 section of Santa Clara.
In their rush to the ultimate vanity buy - an NFL football stadium (which will be near homes, but not anywhere near their homes of course) - the Santa Clara city council has now subjected the city to a lawsuit as Great America owner Cedar Fair has filed a lawsuit against the city.
At the 12/08/2009 Santa Clara city council meeting some ex-politicians announced they were banding together with the San Francisco 49ers and calling themselves Santa Clarans for Economic Progress, and will work to push a 49ers stadium onto the ballot as an initiative. If extremely part-time minimum wage jobs at a stadium are economic progress, times are even tougher than the government is letting on.
There is no purer form of democracy than allowing citizens to vote on an issue. On October 28th, 2009 the Santa Clara City Council voted on whether or not the voters of Santa Clara should decide if the San Francisco 49ers stadium should be built based on the city charter - with a competitive bid process - or whether the city should bypass the city charter and allow the stadium to be built without competitive bidding. By a 5 to 2 vote the council rejected democracy that night. The two councilmembers who chose democracy were Will Kennedy and Jamie McLeod. The Stadium Five remained true to their core values and chose aristocracy and kleptocracy over democracy.
According to the Santa Clara City Council, there is a desperate need for new high density housing in Santa Clara. A housing shortage. All building in Santa Clara, as in all communities in the United States, is completely and totally controlled by the local government. You cannot build any commercial, retail, or residential buildings without getting the approval of the local government. If there is a "housing shortage" it means that the local government approved too much commercial development. The solution to a housing shortage caused by the local government is not to burden tax payers with the expense of new high density development. High density does not pay for itself which is why the developer is required to make a payment to the local school system. However, the extra services required by high density versus the taxes it brings in will fall short forever. The highest density city in the United States - New York - has both a city income tax and a city sales tax. Rather than lower taxes, high density increases them for the residents of New York City. Yet the high-density developer only has to make one payment. In addition to the cost burden of high density for existing residents, it has the obvious negative of making traffic worse, and overcrowding schools and everything from the library to barbecue pits and tennis courts at parks. The solution to a "housing shortage" is to correct the mistakes that the City Council made in the past. Begin buying and leveling commercial property.
The City Council overdevelops commercial - creating towering office buildings north of 101 - and then comes to the residents and says "Gee, we're sorry to inform you that we have to pack more people into the finite area of your city because we overbuilt commercial - er we have a housing shortage". Notably, the Santa Clara City Council is not putting high density on the south east side of the city where they live. They chastise residents for "not in my backyard" regarding high density development, and then don't put it in their backyards.